No one person is the same, so when it comes to treatment for drug use, everyone has different needs. When looking for the right program for you or a loved one, it is important that you find one that will be effective and have lasting results. One thing you can try is harm reduction.
A harm reduction program will help you minimize bad habits associated with drug use. It does not require immediate abstinence but rather comes up with ways to cope with your addiction and habits. If you are in need of a harm reduction program in Virginia, then contact Insight Recovery Centers at 703.592.6946 for more details.
What Is Harm Reduction?
Harm reduction treatment for drug addiction works on reducing bad habits and substituting them for healthier options. You will come up with goals for yourself that are achievable for your life. These goals will help prevent you from harming yourself or others, as opposed to quitting drugs altogether. You will take part in individual and group therapy to work on specific problems and get support and help from peers.
People choose this program for its many benefits, including its low costs, reduced risk of overdose, and an overall healthier community.
5 Benefits of a Harm Reduction Program
There are many benefits of harm reduction. This treatment is great for focusing on the needs of each individual and coming up with ways of significantly reducing the risks of substance use. Other harm reduction benefits include:
1. Reduces Stigma
If you stopped to think about it, you could probably think of many times that you have judged a person on their actions without really knowing what they are going through. Harm reduction helps show people that those who struggle with a substance use disorder are just ordinary people who need help and compassion.
2. Appreciates Small Steps
Success and recovery do not happen quickly. It takes time and effort. In harm reduction, every small step is treated as a win. Because this treatment is goal-centered, every step to that goal is essential, even if it does not seem significant.
3. Increases Sense of Accountability
While getting help from counselors and peers in a harm reduction program, you learn how to help yourself through hard situations and temptations. You will learn how to become accountable for all of your actions and learn from the mistakes that you have made.
4. Reduces Risk of Harming Yourself or Others
One of the main benefits of harm reduction is right in the name; it reduces the risk of harming yourself and those around you. Instead of learning how to cut out substances completely, you will learn how to manage your addiction and learn your limits.
5. Gives Sense of Respect and Dignity
Just because you have a substance use disorder doesn’t mean that you should be treated with less respect than others. A harm reduction program will give you the tools you need to get through recovery, while treating you how you want to be treated.
Start Your Recovery Journey at Insight Recovery Centers
At Insight Recovery Centers, we have a wide variety of ways to help those who are struggling with many different disorders. We provide:
- Group counseling
- Individual therapy
- Family therapy
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy
We will ensure that you have a safe and respectful environment where you will gain all of the tools you need to live a healthy and fulfilling life. Learn how we can help you by contacting us at 703.592.6946.