In our modern society, alcohol use is widespread and encouraged in most social settings. Once the legal age for alcohol use is achieved, alcohol consumption becomes a “rite of passage.” As a result, the line between an alcoholic and someone who “just” consumes alcohol regularly has become blurred. It is important to stay on top of where that line is as you navigate adulthood. An alcoholic and a functioning alcoholic are not different.
An alcoholic is typically seen as someone suffering some calamity of life, such as losing a job, significant relationship due to their alcohol use. As a result, they are not “functioning” as they wish to. A functioning alcoholic is someone who has maintained a personal standard of life. They feel they have not suffered from their excessive alcohol use. Insight Recovery Centers can help individuals identify and overcome alcohol use disorder.
What Is The Difference Between An Alcoholic And A Functioning Alcoholic?
An alcoholic female consumes more than three drinks per day or seven drinks per week. Experts categorize men who drink four drinks per day or 14 drinks per week as heavy drinkers along the same line. If you are consuming at this rate or more, then you are at risk of having functional, physical, and societal consequences of your drinking. The functioning alcoholic and the alcoholic are consuming the same amounts of alcohol. They are both putting themselves and others at risk due to their excessive alcohol use. These risks include:
- Dangers of DUI, DWI
- Inappropriate sexual interactions
- Unconscious episodes
- Cirrhosis of the liver or other liver diseases
- Specific forms of cancer
- Brain damage, including considerable memory loss
- Hypertension
- Pancreatic diseases or pancreatitis
Some other dangers that revolve around alcohol use disorder affecting both the individual and those around them include a higher incidence of car accidents, murder, suicide, child abuse, and domestic violence.
It is difficult to determine whether you are a high-functioning alcoholic or someone who enjoys drinking excessively. When you are faced with having to stop alcohol use during a medical procedure, pregnancy, or some other occurrence, you come face to face with where you stand regarding alcohol.
Alcoholism treatment and alcohol rehab are available for the functioning alcoholic as well as the non-functioning alcoholic. Seek treatment when you or a loved one has determined that your alcohol use is troublesome. It is best to seek treatment as soon as a problem is identified.
Insight Recovery Centers Offers Alcohol Abuse Treatment
Insight Recovery Centers is located in Ashburn, VA. We are dedicated to providing the treatment you or your loved one requires to live a healthier life, free from drugs and alcohol. Our name says it all, and our program is unique in that there is a foundation of compassion and insight. Our professionals are determined to give you the very best treatment available and are not afraid to try new treatment modalities as they are discovered. As a result, at Insight Recovery Centers, we assure all clients of a modern approach to treatment.
We were founded by two individuals who grew tired of the alcoholism treatment and alcohol rehab system’s flaws. Our founders began working together 20 years ago, and they were known throughout the field as highly effective. They decided to team up and provide the sort of treatment they felt was needed. Insight Recovery Centers continue to forge forward with innovative treatment therapies such as:
- Outpatient Addiction Treatment Center
- Substance Abuse Treatment Programs
- Addiction Treatment Therapies
- Alcohol Moderation Assessment
With dual-diagnosis treatment and personalized treatment for the spectrum of substance use, our program dictates there is an “individualized definition of recovery,” Because everyone is different, their needs are varied. Call us today to learn how Insight Recovery Centers can help you achieve the change you seek 703.592.6946.